Great People Decisions by Claudio Fernández-Aráoz

Harrison Wendland
3 min readJul 6, 2019

This was the first book I read in 2019, finished on January 15. I thought it was great and one that I learned a lot from. I always admire the people that spend years upon years to develop expertise in a specialized area.

The book first focused on failure and reasons that people don’t work out well within organizations. I thought this was a great way to begin the book as most people should be able to relate in some way. Along with the four reasons that he shared, I enjoyed the detail and key things to look for, especially as I intend to have my own company at some point in the future.

Here are the four causes behind executive failure:

1. Flawed executive mindsets, including a distorted perception of reality
2. Delusional attitudes
3. Breakdown in communication systems needed to convey urgent information
4. Personal attributes including deficiencies in leadership

Everyone wants the best people, don’t they? But, an expert in the field of people management and executive search, Claudio Fernández-Aráoz, shares perspectives on hiring best practices

4 of the most important traps/reasons why getting and keeping the best people is so hard:

1. The odds are against you
2. Assessing people for complex positions is inherently difficult



Harrison Wendland | Write about personal development, communication, entrepreneurship & books I finish (80+ yearly). Find me on Twitter & LinkedIn