2021 Birthday Gratitude List

Here are the 24 things that I am grateful for this year:

Harrison Wendland
3 min readJul 25, 2021
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

2021 Birthday Gratitude List

Here are the 24 things that I am grateful for this year:

A practice that I learned from Daniel Pink, it’s become a cornerstone over the past three years for how I spend my birthday.

With many trying to celebrate me and share their excitement with me for having another year of life, I particularly enjoy looking in the mirror. What is it about who I am today that I appreciate and why is my life really worth celebrating?

There are a few ways that I do that every year on my birthday:

  1. I read John 15 and have some very intentional prayer time about my faith walk
  2. I sit down and I read. I press pause and I open a book that is going to push me forward. I really like to read for at least an hour or two on my birthdays now. This year I’m reading Patrick Morley’s book “The Christian Man” and hope to finish it by the end of the night.
  3. I compile a birthday gratitude list of the first things that come to mind that I am grateful for — one item for every year of life thus far.

I started this in 2019 and have made it an annual endeavor. Each year I will create a list of one thing that I am…



Harrison Wendland
Harrison Wendland

Written by Harrison Wendland

HarrisonWendland.com | Write about personal development, communication, entrepreneurship & books I finish (80+ yearly). Find me on Twitter & LinkedIn

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