5 Things to Ask the People Closest to You

Harrison Wendland
3 min readAug 27, 2019

I believe that to really know the people closest to us, we must ask the right questions.

“Questions determine everything you do in life, from your abilities to your income. Ask the right questions.” — Tony Robbins

Here are the 5 questions that will enable us to become closer to the people we care about and see them at a deeper level than we ever have:

1. What is the goal that you would most like my help in achieving?

2. Why do you work where you do and have the hobbies that you have?

3. What are the 3 most important things you have done in your life so far?

4. What is your most treasured relationship and why?

5. How can I become more of who God has called me to be? Where do you see my greatest strengths and/or weaknesses and why?

1. What is the goal that you would most like my help in achieving?

This one shows that we want to be active in the relationship and we are not just acting selfishly. It is important that the person we are speaking to knows that we care about them and support them.



Harrison Wendland

HarrisonWendland.com | Write about personal development, communication, entrepreneurship & books I finish (80+ yearly). Find me on Twitter & LinkedIn