I’ve published 150 Pieces in the Past 18 Months

Harrison Wendland
9 min readApr 3, 2020

I’m there.

Less than 18 months. More than 100 articles. Now 150. This is the 150th actually.

I’m amazed by what I’ve accomplished but know with absolute certainty that I am nowhere near where I am aspiring to be.

“If you knew that victory was the ONLY option, what would you do today to experience success?” — Harrison Wendland

Let me make this a post about 10 of the pieces that I have enjoyed writing the most and a little bit about why. Here goes:


“‪You either listen to the world or you listen to God. You can’t do both at once.‬” — Harrison Wendland

The compound effect at work. Almost a full year beginning each and every day in God’s Word. Almost 2 full years of a morning prayer journal. Almost 3 years of a morning reflective journal. I’ve now written 150 pieces of writing for Medium since Thanksgiving 2018 plus 81 others based on books I’ve read and another 10+ that have yet to be published. Wow. It was day by day by day by day. Little by little and moment by moment. Word by word I got it done. This piece was initially going to be fairly brief but as I put the finishing touches on with these sentences here, I’m almost to 2,000 words. I’m in awe of myself. Looking back, I took breaks and refocused myself on classes and on the job hunt but I always returned. Now, I spend my Saturday evenings writing and I wouldn’t have it any other way. This is the first piece because it’s my favorite. It’s about compounding and it’s something that I strive to live out each and every day. I know who I am, I’m learning more about myself every single day because God is teaching me.

“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” — Émile Coué



Harrison Wendland

HarrisonWendland.com | Write about personal development, communication, entrepreneurship & books I finish (80+ yearly). Find me on Twitter & LinkedIn