Stay on the Road — Sustaining Yourself to the Goal

We can have the aspiration to do something and have it be for all the wrong reasons.

Harrison Wendland
4 min readAug 21, 2022

“…And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith…” — Hebrews 12:1–2 NIV

It’s been said that there is a difference between being driven and godly drive.

We can have the aspiration to do something and have it be for all the wrong reasons.

We can also have the drive to do something and have it be for all the right reasons.

There’s an expression in sports that we don’t play for the name on the back, but for the team on the front.

“We need to live our purpose and serve God by leaving an impact on this world but with the hope that people would not remember our name but remember Jesus’s name.”

Sometimes we can get carried away in our ambitions, in making a name for ourselves, in building a “legacy” and none of those things are particularly bad on their own. However, it’s the carried away part that’s dangerous.



Harrison Wendland
Harrison Wendland

Written by Harrison Wendland | Write about personal development, communication, entrepreneurship & books I finish (80+ yearly). Find me on Twitter & LinkedIn

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